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New Human Organ Discovered

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New York University Langone School of Medicine have discovered what might possibly be an unknown organ that lines the digestive, respiratory, and urinary tracts.  This organ may be helping in the transportation of cancer cells around the body.  They discovered this by the use of routine endoscopic procedures where they can enter the patient’s stomach and take a look at the tissue therein.  While in there they noticed that the wall that was supposed to be hard tissue was in fact like a fluid filled highway.  This fluid is known as interstitium and is the source of lymph which supplies the body with white blood cells to fight infections.  It acts as a safety wall for other organs and plays a major role in the immune system.

The study found that these fluid filled highways travel throughout the body and contain about a fifth of the total fluid in the body.  They are thought to be the shock absorbers for the body.  By protecting the body with this highway of fluid it may also be transporting cancer cells.  When they research the fluid for possible cancer cells, they may also be able to diagnose rare liver diseases and other inflammatory diseases.