- Antarctica Journal - https://www.antarcticajournal.com -

Poem – 27th HIGH WAY (By Ajise Vincent)



tonight, cobblestones have eaten into the earth,

the potholes are gone; tender voids, noxious like

hollows of black holes. the congestion twirls

& begins to evaporate like smoke. automobiles

compete with winds.  & the beggar who sits with a dog,

sniffing goodwill & coins. looks on, wishing

the road remained shapeless, tainted with contours,

like the globe when first seen through the retina of God


Author Bio:


Ajise Vincent is an Economist and Social researcher based in Lagos, Nigeria. His works have appeared or are forthcoming at Oddball, Eureka, Indiana Voice Journal, Jawline Review, Jalada, Ink, Sweat & Tears, Snapdragon: a journal of art & healing, Sentinel Quarterly, Yellow Chair Review & various literary outlets. He loves coffee, blondes & turtles.