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Poem – Clouds (By David Russell)


In chroniclers’ minds

Past wars all went full circle

Making great urban filth destroy itself

So that the finest flowers and shrubs

Could sprout at random.


And birds, in exultation

Or happy in their ignorance

Made rills of melody

Now man had passed them by.


But now, with ice and poison

For one full year enthralled, embalmed.

And after that, growth’s circle

Jarred shuddering in mid-turn


Can even a worm

Or an amoeba celebrate?


Author Bio:

David Russell was born in 1940. Resident in the UK. Writer of poetry, literary criticism, speculative fiction and romance. Main poetry collection Prickling Counterpoints (1998); poems published in online International Times. Main speculative works High Wired On (2002); Rock Bottom (2005). Translation of Spanish epic La Araucana, Amazon 2013. Romances: Self’s Blossom; Explorations; Further Explorations; Therapy Rapture; Darlene, An Ecstatic Rendezvous (all pub Extasy (Devine Destinies). Singer-songwriter/guitarist. Main CD albums Bacteria Shrapnel and Kaleidoscope Concentrate. Many tracks on You Tube.

This poem is part of the complete collection; Speculum: Collected Poetry and Prose, by David Russell.

View or Download the complete collection here in PDF format.

Follow David Russell on Amazon: Click Here.