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Poem – Night Song (By Akor Emmanuel Oche)

Night Song

silence sings a silent song silently,
this monody from the diaphragm
of mockingbirds, breaking every
wondering In her synchronized
tune; a wail here, a brawl there,
then a chirp.
birds whistle, -at night, birds sing,
so does mother.
she tunes a wail
for each new burden,
she never opted for this.
papa, you lied.
true lovers don’t die young.


Author Bio:

Akor Emmanuel Oche is a Nigerian poet, critic, essayist and thinker. His poems have been published or forthcoming in Ann arbor review, Pyrokinection, Mamba journal for Africa haiku, Synchronized chaos magazine, Greysparrow press, poeticdiversity, Pengician, Tuck magazine, Praxis magazine, Savehage review, Expound magazine, AFAS review among others.