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Poem – Railroad Station (By Bob Trabold)


 Einsiedeln, Switzerland

Robert Trabold


Trains arriving – departing

in – out! Pilgrims come

go to a holy place

want to visit the Black Madonna.

Such is life – comings – goings

like the trains – things

experiences come – go.

Where will it all end up?

I sit in the waiting room

watch the train movement.

I am a pilgrim on route

visiting the Black Madonna.

Over the years, millions

came here – asking – petitioning

brought their burdens to

their heavenly mother.

I am doing the same

carrying my burdens

burden of the world

around me.

It is raining today

quite cold – snowing on the

mountain tops.

Let me not be discouraged

by the weather. It rained

through the centuries on the pilgrims

on the trains.

I need faith that cuts

through the fog – cold

rain. Pilgrims before me

did it – trains do it.

Now it is my turn.