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Poem – The Drifting-Bys (By Emmanuel Stephen Ogboh)

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The Drifting-Bys


I am the boy you almost lost

to a stretch of long black distance

found luckily, by love

stronger, than time and space and procrastination

& now in that love I drown

I float, drift, swim and drown again

for it is as a honey puddle

deep, an ocean of pink passion

please leave me here for now

beside the floating molecules of this water

waiting, scheming to conquer the gale

& the deafening drifting-bys


Author Bio: Emmanuel Stephen Ogboh

Emmanuel Stephen Ogboh started writing his observations and experiences four years ago, inspired by Lisa Smallwood, an American poet. His works have since appeared in Tuck, Better Than Starbucks, Fourth Wave, Vox Poetica, Literary Yard, Down in the Dirt and elsewhere. He lives in eastern Nigeria and just recently dropped out of school.