
Deceased Dad’s Son Gets Unexpected Gift

Deceased Dad's Son, Tanner Brownlee
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Tanner Brownlee and his brother, Chase, had been hoping to raise enough money to buy their deceased father’s patrol car at a local auction following his death. Sam Brownlee, their father was killed in the line of duty five years earlier while working for the Weld County Sheriff’s Office.

The two sons gathered thousands through their Gofundme page to buy the service car, but it wasn’t enough. However, after the Brownlee brothers had been outbid beyond their means, local rancher Steve Wells whom the Brownlee’s had never met before, stepped in and outbid everyone and won the car for $60,000. Tanner Brownlee, knowing he tried his best, turned to his family with a painful smile and said “We tried”. For that moment Tanner Brownlee thought had lost his chance at owning a piece of his deceased dad’s memory.

mr-wells-tanner tanner-brownlee-with-keys tanner-chase-brownlee

The story has a surprisingly happy ending though, because just moments after winning the auction, the Steve Wells handed the keys over to Tanner saying simply “Tanner, here’s your car.

Awe stricken Tanner was overcome with emotion, and thanked the rancher with a big hug for his selfless act of kindness that will surely never be forgotten by the Brownlee family. There was not a dry eye in the house as the other attendees applauded the overwhelming selfless act of kindness.

The Brownlees say they’ll put all the money they raised to buy the car towards the group “Cops”, which is an organization that provides services for survivors of officers killed in the line of duty.

A somewhat happy ending of resolve and closure for the Brownlee family thanks to a truly selfless act by rancher Steve Wells. If there really is a thing called Karma, Steve Wells surely just rounded up an entire stampede of it, and then some.