
Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI Quote – Hardness of Hearing

"There is not only a physical deafness which largely cuts people off from social life; there is also a "hardness of hearing" where God is concerned." - Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI ...

Pope John Paul II Quote – The Radiant Humanity of Christ

"As a Christian, my hope and trust are centered on Jesus Christ, the 2,000th anniversary of whose birth will be celebrated at the coming of the new millen­nium. We Christians believe that in his death and resurrection were fully revealed ...

Pope John Paul II Quote – Civilization Worthy Of The Human Person

"Each and every human person has been created in the "image and likeness" of the One who is the origin of all that Is. We have within us the capacities for wisdom and virtue. With these gifts, and with the ...

Sidewalk Prophets – The Words I Would Say

"The Words I Would Say," by the Sidewalk Prophets,  "Be strong in the Lord, and never give up hope. You're gonna do great things, I already know. God's got his hand on you, so don't live life in fear. Forgive ...

Thomas Merton Quote – God Is Hidden Within Me

"God [is] hidden within me. I find Him by hiding in the silence in which He is concealed." - Thomas Merton ...

Romans 8.35a, 39b – Nothing In All Creation Can Separate Us

“Can anything separate us from the love of Christ? Can trouble, suffering, and hard times...Nothing in all creation can separate us from God’s love for us in Christ Jesus our Lord!” - Romans 8.35a, 39b ...

Hebrews 11:6

"Without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him." - Hebrews 11:6 ...
Antarctica Journal Quotes

Quote – What God Expects Us To Do

God expects His people to do the ridiculous so He can do the miraculous." ​ - Mother Angelica ...

Voltaire quote – We have more than reciprocated

"If God created us in his own image, we have more than reciprocated." - Voltaire ...

Leo Tolstoy quote – The greatest joy that a man can experience

"Though it is possible to utter words only with the intention to fulfill the will of God, it is very difficult not to think about the impression which they will produce on men and not to form them accordingly. But ...