Empire Watch

Urbanization Helps China Eliminate Poverty

BEIJING - The greatest risk China faces in its historic modernization is the massive imbalance between urban and rural areas, according to the country's top agriculture official. "The most important and difficult task is to resolve issues concerning agriculture, countryside ...

America is far from being the healthiest country

“Being American is bad for your health,” said Robert Samuelson. That’s the sobering conclusion of an exhaustive new report comparing our health with that of people in 16 other advanced countries. We rank at or near the bottom, from life ...


Researchers using a high-tech aerial mapping technique called LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) revealed contours hidden by dense foliage.   They may have found tens of thousands of previously undetected Mayan houses, buildings, and pyramids in the dense jungle of Guatemala's ...

Choking smog in China

Beijing The cloud of pollution over Beijing grew so dense this week that much of the city was rendered invisible. Hundreds of flights were grounded, auto traffic was stalled for scores of miles, and residents rushed to buy masks and ...

Welfare – Not Just The Poor Who Benefit

In America, 7 out of 10 people are on Welfare. That’s the percentage of people who receive more in gov't benefits than they pay in taxes, according to a new Tax Foundation study. Some of these beneficiaries of Uncle Sam’s ...

China Implements New Human Trafficking Laws

According to China's Ministry of Public Security news portal website, new laws implemented in 2015 citing criminal punishment for people buying trafficked women or children have proven effective. The new laws took effect on 10/1/15 and remains in effect today ...

Incarceration Nation

THE UNITED STATES has the highest incarceration rate in the world. In fact, according to the most recent data, the U.S., while having only 4.5% of the world's population, holds 21 percent of the world's prisoners. The last few years ...
The Navy Has a Supergun

The Navy Has a Supergun

The US Navy is developing a supergun that can destroy a target at about 100 miles away with a bullet that can go eight times the speed of sound when fired.  It would destroy with pinpoint accuracy the target that ...


In the US the prison psychiatric hospitals are becoming over crowded with mental illness.  About 20% of inmates (approximately 400,000) in jails have been admitted to hospitals.  The countries hospitals can only accommodate about 38,000.  The corrections system has been ...
A school bus full of South Korean children was traveling through a tunnel near Weihai, China when it caught on fire.

China’s Attitude of Hands-Off Costs Lives

“None of my business” is the motto of most Chinese and it is costing lives.  A school bus full of South Korean children was traveling through a tunnel near Weihai, China when it caught on fire.  No one stopped to ...