
Visitors from outer space

Visitors from outer space

The most common Visitors from outer space... COMETS!! Near misses by comets and asteroids are rare events, but in 2013, predictions were made that earthlings would experience at least three. A menacing, 1,000-foot-wide asteroid named Apophis which passed within 9 ...
What Actually Controls the Internet

What Actually Controls the Internet

You won't believe what actually controls the Internet... The entire internet is controlled by seven actual, physical keys. Four times a year since 2010, a highly secure ritual known as a key ceremony takes place that involves 14 people, 7 ...

Violent movies: Do they inspire madmen?

One violent movie does not a mass killer make, said Peggy Noonan in The Wall Street Journal. But the pornographic violence that now fills popular films has “the cumulative power to desensitize and destabilize” impressionable minds. Disturbed young men like ...

Nature’s cure for anxiety

People tormented by a neverending flow of negative thoughts can greatly benefit from an alternative to expensive psychotherapy or medications: a walk in the woods. Psychologists at Stanford University found that walking outdoors in natural settings can ward off the ...

Gadgets causing depression

Spending evenings in front of a glowing computer, TV, or cellphone screen can put you at risk of depression, Science News reports. Nighttime exposure to light from gadgets has already been shown to contribute to insomnia, cancer, obesity, and diabetes ...

Waterboy with Down Syndrome Scores Touchdown

A special-needs student scored a touchdown with his high school football team last month, after the team's coach put him in for the final play of the game. Noah VanVooren, who has Down syndrome, usually acts as a manager for ...

Relics of the big bang

Astronomers have discovered two clouds of gas some 12 billion light-years away that appear to preserve the primordial conditions of the universe in the minutes after the big bang. The clouds contain just hydrogen and its isotope deuterium, making them ...

The man who hunts for dropped coins

Roger Pasquier hunts for coins on NYC sidewalks and keeps track of how much he finds. He discovered an odd consequence of everyone having a smartphone: people don't pick up change on the sidewalk anymore. From 1987 to 2006, he ...

Greening The Hood

■    South Central Los Angeles is more famous for drive-by shootings than well-kept gardens, but one native son is getting locals to trade their sawed-off shotguns for shovels. Ron Finley, who styles himself the "Gangsta Gardener" is encouraging Angelenos to ...

Officers’ kindness was a welcome surprise

■    When Phoenix police officer Natalie Simonick saw 18-year-old Christian Felix out after dark in March, she suspected he was violating curfew. But Felix told her he was walking six miles home from his job at McDonald's, as he had ...