
Most of us are parking the wrong way

AAA says more than 76 percent of U.S. drivers are parking the wrong way. "U.S. drivers most frequently park their vehicle by pulling forward into a parking spot ... a riskier practice that driving experts warn leaves pedestrians more vulnerable." So ...

Could we talk with whales?

Human-like sounds made by a captive beluga whale suggest that cetaceans could learn to mimic our voices, and perhaps even converse with us. Researchers at the National Marine Mammal Foundation first noticed in the 1980s that one of their whales ...

WWII vet hears his symphony for first time

■ A World War II veteran was able to hear a symphony he wrote 67 years ago for the first time, when the U.S. Army Orchestra premiered it in Washington, D.C. Retired Col. Harold Van Heuvelen, 93, was inspired by ...

A pill to burn fat

Tired of exercising to shed excess pounds? Scientists at Harvard University may have discovered a way to help you lose weight—just by taking a pill. The human body has two kinds of fat cells: white cells, which store excess calories ...

Why you can’t resist scratching an itch

Feeling itchy from a sunburn, a bug bite or some other skin irritation is miserable, but the pleasure you get from scratching it isn't just the absence of pain. It feels legitimately good to scratch, and the reason is fascinating ...

5 Discoveries That Prove Aliens Were Here

The Antikythera Mechanism: The original mechanism apparently came out of the Mediterranean as a single encrusted piece. Soon afterward it fractured into three major pieces. Other small pieces have broken off in the interim from cleaning and handling, and still ...

Why fewer women seek abortions

It’s “ a fascinating irony of the pro-life movement,” said David Frum. Abortion rates are plummeting in the U.S., largely because of prolifers’ efforts. But at the same time, out-of-wedlock births are soaring—and among the poor and the lower middle ...

Boy Uses ABCs Help Save Dads Life

Kindergartner's ABCs Help Save Dad's Life A New Jersey kindergartner is being credited for saving his father's life -- and it's because he knows the alphabet. Five-year-old Nathaniel Darcy Jr., who attends Newark's North Star Public School, was on his ...
only in America

Only in America

■    Residents of New York City's SoHo neighborhood are now paying a delivery service $100 for a single "Cronut"— a trendy new combination of a croissant and donut.The line at the bakery that makes the coveted pastries begins forming at ...

Depressed? Blame the heavens

Scientists have long laughed at astrology’s underlying premise—that celestial events can influence human emotions and behavior. But a series of new studies has produced evidence that at least one kind of astronomical event—solar flares—may, in fact, affect human beings. Periodically, ...