Paul Brooks Quote – Nobody Calls The Cops
"In America today you can murder land for private profit. You can leave the corpse for all to see, and nobody calls the cops." - Paul Brooks ...
Quentin Crisp quote – The young always have the same problem
"The young always have the same problem — how to rebel and conform at the same time. They have now solved this by defying their elders and copying one another." - Quentin Crisp ...
Jonathan Swift quote – When a true genius appears
"When a true genius appears in the world, you may know him by this sign: that all the dunces are in confederacy against him." - Jonathan Swift ...
Pope John Paul II Quote – Distinguishing Mark Of The Human Person
"When millions of people are suffering from a poverty which means hunger, malnutrition, sickness, illiteracy and degradation, we must not only remind ourselves that no one has a right to exploit another for his own advantage, but also and above ...
Quote – Slaves
"There are more slaves today than at any point in history. 12-27 million forced to work at subsistence pay under threat of violence. The US government estimates 50,000 people work in hidden bondage. 90% are used for sex, indentured domestics ...
Isabel Allende Quote – A Thousand People
"For every one torturer, there are a thousand people ready to risk their lives to save another. For every soldier who shoots in a neighborhood, there are a thousand compañeros who help and protect each other." - Isabel Allende ...
Joseph Conrad Quote – The Conquest Of The Earth
"The conquest of the earth, which mostly means the taking it away from those who have a different complexion or slightly flatter noses than ourselves, is not a pretty thing when you look into it." - Joseph Conrad ...
C.S. Lewis Quote – Make Him Happy
"Nearly all that we call human history — money, poverty, ambition, war, prostitution, classes, empires, slavery — [is] the long terrible story of man trying to find something other than God which will make him happy." - C.S. Lewis ...
Bill Vaughan Quote – Swap History Books
"It might be a good idea if the various countries of the world would occasionally swap history books, just to see what other people are doing with the same set of facts." - Bill Vaughan ...
John Stuart Mill Quote – Eccentricity In A Society
"The amount of eccentricity in a society has generally been proportional to the amount of genius, mental vigor, and moral courage it contained." - John Stuart Mill ...