Cartoon – Breakfast on The Farm

It’s easy to romanticize the 1621 coming-together of the Wampanoag tribe with the struggling European settlers, which many people now view as the original Thanksgiving. From an environmental perspective, the nostalgic urge is stronger still. The carbon footprint of the first Thanksgiving meal was approximately zero. Seventeenth-century farmers grew food, ate food and used those calories to grow more food. […]
Read moreOn March 26th, 2013, United States President Barack Obama signed the H.R. 933 GMO bill into law that was written in part by the very billion-dollar corporation that will benefit directly from the legislation. Pres. Obama inked his name to H.R. 933, a continuing resolution spending bill approved in Congress days earlier. Buried 78 pages within the bill exists a provision […]
Read more“I can’t stand a naked light bulb, any more than I can a rude remark or a vulgar action.” Blanche DuBois, in A Streetcar Named Desire Rarely if ever, anymore, do I hear people say they have some “marketing” to do, rather it is “food shopping” or going to the “supermarket.” Marketing nowadays refers predominantly to the promotion OF products […]
Read moreThere’s no way to structure this coherently. They are random observations that might help explain the mental processes. But often, I think that we look at the academic problems of poverty and have no idea of the why. We know the what and the how, and we can see systemic problems, but it’s rare to have a poor person actually […]
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