Poem – Mammo (By Layla Lenhardt)

Mammo   At first, the grief was bare, an unsheathed sword, its presence sharp. But then it turned, slowly, into a faded tattoo on a hidden part of my body. I tried calling your phone last night. I don’t know what I expected, but I was scared.   When I’m dripping in too much darkness, that same profound, welling of […]

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Poem – Elizabeth (By Layla Lenhardt)

Elizabeth,   Mother of my mother, her knotted knuckles cradled my scraped elbows, the heaviness of my childhood heart. Her beauty unrepeatable, blistering. She stands hunched over the sink, peeling potatoes, buttering bread, in the yellow light of the pre-war kitchen she is ageless. When I think of home, I think of her, kindness dripping from her embrace like honey. […]

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