
Brain Function Declines After Retirement

Brain Function After Retirement - Antarctica Journal News

Brain function could decrease in seniors after retirement. If you are looking forward to a more leisurely retirement after years of working you may need to think about this.  It’s been researched that when the working brain becomes the retired brain it may start to lose brain function.  Researchers found that short-term memory starts to decline 40% faster after you have retired.  They noted that when your brain stimulation has been slowed from working at a fast pace to a resting pace you start to lose cognitive functions and it speeds up the chance of getting dementia and memory loss.

If you don’t use it you may lose it was confirmed in a study by Cary Cooper at the Manchester Business School. He suggests that if you were a civil service worker you should keep helping with people like in a hospital or do some teaching to keep your brain function at almost the same pace as before retirement.

Alzheimer’s and Demetria are on the rise and may hit an all time high in the coming years.  So, it is suggested to keep from losing your brain function keep active and interact with people.

Some suggested activities to maintain active brain function after retirement:

  • Reading books
  • Indulging your artistic side with drawing or painting
  • Completing crosswords, jigsaws, or word puzzles
  • Practicing Sudoku and other ‘math games’
  • Playing chess or bridge
  • Doing arts or crafts
  • Socializing
  • Walking
  • Yoga or stretching
  • Golf, Tennis, badminton, swimming
  • Meditation or visualization
  • Learning to read music, or learning an instrument
  • Take up dancing
  • Designing a new garden
  • Learning photography
  • Volunteering at a local food pantry or soup kitchen
  • Volunteering to read to young children at a local school or library


There are many ways to keep your brain active in your senior years. Many communities have senior centers where seniors can meet new people, make new friends, and participate in a variety of activities. Many offer exercise programs, social events, games, gardening, shopping outings, movie and theater events, and more. Seniors should also make a pact with themselves to interact with at least one neighbor or family member daily, health permitting. If you belong to a local church, they may offer fellowship visits as well as in-home communion and prayer for those seniors who might be home-bound.