Dubai 3D Printed Building

Dubai has developed a 3D building that was built in 17 days using a rather large 3D printer that measures 20 feet high, 120 feet long and 40 feet wide. They use a mix of concrete, fiber enforced plastic, and glass fiber gypsum. United Arab Emirates is hoping to have building time cut by 70% and cost by 50% by the year 2030 by using the 3D printer technology. By using this technology, they will be restructuring labor markets and redefine productivity. It will also cut cost to the medical and construction industries.
By 2025 Dubai will be constructing buildings that are made with 25% 3D printed materials. The health sector will also be using this technology to make prosthetic limbs, teeth, and hearing aids.
UAE and Dubai are aiming to become the leading hub in this 3D printing technology to promote their status.