HPV Vaccine (Human Papillomavirus) For Teens

The HPV vaccine is recommended for teens between the ages of 11 to 13 and for any adults that have not been vaccinated. Researchers have stated that most teens are not getting this vaccine and are at risk of developing the disease. HPV is known to lead to cancers of the cervix, penis, vagina, vulva, and throat. They have also noted that it may be linked to cardiovascular disease in women.
The HPV vaccine is given in two cycles for children aged 9-14 over a 12-month period, in teens and young adults aged 15-26 girls, 15-21 boys in three cycles over 6 months. If the young adult is at a higher risk of getting the disease they can get it up to the age of 26. A 3-dose schedule is recommended for people who get the first dose on or after their 15th birthday, and for people with certain immunocompromising conditions.
The vaccine works best if received before becoming sexually active. It is not totally effective against all types of HPV, so it is recommended that women see their doctor for regular checkups starting at about the age of 21. There are some side effects, even though they are rare, that come with getting the vaccine – dizziness, fainting, nausea, vomiting, fever, tenderness, swelling, and redness at the injection site. If these symptoms do occur please call your doctor to see what they recommend helping with the fever, pain, or swelling.
If your child is sick, had an allergic reaction to first injection of the HPV vaccine, or if your daughter is pregnant it is not recommended to get the vaccine. They can get the injection after being sick and after giving birth.
It is recommended by the CDC to get your children inoculated at an early age because the vaccine will be more effective to their immune system.