What’s Going On?

Demographic suicide

Among the consequences of Europe’s aban-Ife donment of its religious roots and the moral "code that derives therefrom is a plunge in its birth rates to below the replacements level. Abortion, birth control, acceptance of gay marriage and casual sex ...
The Greatest Era In Human History

The Greatest Era In Human History

Recent polls show that the public has fallen into a mood of pessimism and fatalism. While Washington is halted in a gridlock creating a worrisome "leadership crisis", many Americans fear that the country is unraveling. Little do they realize, The ...
Ancient Termite Megalopolis Found in Brazil

Ancient Termite Megalopolis Found in Brazil

Researchers have found some 200 million termite mounds that stretch for thousands of miles across northeastern Brazil.  The area measures 88,000 square miles an area larger than the state of Minnesota.  They stand about 10 feet tall, about 30 feet ...

Hubble Reveals Something Massive On Uranus

Thanks to the Hubble space telescope, it is nearly impossible to unsee the huge glimmering region on the surface of Uranus. The cause of this blatant smear on Uranus is caused by powerful bursts of solar wind. Streams of charged ...

Being rich can cause bad behavior

Being rich makes you more likely to lie, cheat, and steal. A series of experiments conducted on volunteers with annual incomes ranging between $16,000 and $150,000 found that the wealthiest were most likely to cheat to win a $50 prize, ...

Envying the lower castes

Suddenly everyone wants to be low-caste, said Badri Narayan. It used to be considered an extreme disadvantage to be in one of India’s oppressed castes or indigenous tribes. But decades of affirmative action and quota systems have changed all that ...


We invented plastic to make our lives better but the dependence on plastic has caused an environmental crisis. Will we be able to reduce our use before it’s too late? Your day has begun by turning off the alarm of ...
Mysterious signal from deep space

Mysterious signal from deep space

Mysterious radio signals from space have been known to repeat, but for the first time, researchers have noticed a pattern in a series of bursts coming from a single source half a billion light-years from Earth. Fast radio bursts, or ...

Mystery looms over loud booms

Clintonville, Wis. A series of underground booms and explosions rattled the nerves of residents in this small city this week, sending police and public officials searching for a cause. Resident Al Miller likened the sounds to “a heavy-duty thunderstorm,” while ...

New Mothers Tested for Drugs without their Consent by Some Alabama Hospitals

Having a baby in some Alabama hospitals can mean getting tested for drugs without a woman’s consent—and winding up in jail for a positive result. Alabama’s chemical endangerment law, in effect for nine years, spurred an investigation by ProPublica and ...