What’s Going On?

Planes disappear in Germany

Bratislava, Slovakia At least a dozen planes briefly disappeared from Central European radar screens on two occasions last week, and nobody knows why. Air traffic controllers in Slovakia, Germany, Austria, and the Czech Republic reported that radar information on positions ...

The sad state of warehoused children

Russian orphanages are a scandal, said Jennifer Rankin. State institutions house nearly 400,000 children, a population larger than many cities. But less than one third of these children are actually orphans. Many “fall into the system when their parents, often ...
Can Eating Fast Food Cause Infertility In Women


Research has found that women who eat fast food on a regular basis have a 16% chance of infertility, where women who normally eat a healthy diet of fruits and vegetables only have 8% chance of infertility.  They also found ...
Canada Unveils ‘Dinosaur Mummy’

Canada Unveils ‘Dinosaur Mummy’

While some miners were digging in Northern Alberta, Canada they came upon a skeleton of a perfectly preserved dinosaur from over 110 million years ago.  This dragon-like armor plated dinosaur was suggested to have been over 3000 pounds was discovered ...

The Deafening Silence On Gun Control In America

There is a deafening and horrific silence in the USA about the problem of gun control, Piers Morgan told the Today program, responding to US radio host Alex Jones' defence of guns. "The product of this demented attitude is you ...

Teen Kills Family After Playing Violent Video Games

A New Mexico teenager is expected to face murder charges after allegedly gunning down five family members with his parents’ rifles. Nehemiah Griego, 15, is accused of using a .22 caliber rifle to shoot his mother while she slept and ...
Asteroid Deflection Mission Launched By NASA - Antarctica Journal News

Asteroid Deflection Mission Launched By NASA

NASA has initiated the DART mission, short for Double Asteroid Redirection Test. It was launched from Vandenberg Space Force Base, California to study the effects of asteroid deflection as a method to save the Earth from future devastating collisions by ...

A mind-control parasite

A parasite lurking in your cat’s litter box could make you suicidal. A study of 46,000 Danish women found that those who were infected with Toxoplasma gondii, a common parasite that lives in the guts of cats and is transmitted ...

Demographic suicide

Among the consequences of Europe’s aban-Ife donment of its religious roots and the moral "code that derives therefrom is a plunge in its birth rates to below the replacements level. Abortion, birth control, acceptance of gay marriage and casual sex ...
The Greatest Era In Human History

The Greatest Era In Human History

Recent polls show that the public has fallen into a mood of pessimism and fatalism. While Washington is halted in a gridlock creating a worrisome "leadership crisis", many Americans fear that the country is unraveling. Little do they realize, The ...