Over 14 Million People Enslaved In New Delhi

According to a report from the foundation Walk Free there are over 14 million people are living in slavery. The foundation reported that this number includes adults and children. Which is about 40% of the global amount. The highest numbers of slavery are in the countries of Mauritania, Uzbekistan, Qatar, China, Pakistan, and Haiti.
Some believe that slave trade is only in countries of poverty and ravaged by war. This has been found to be untrue, it can be in any country and it does exist anywhere. In order to eradicate this situation, we need to come together, governments, businesses, and society.
Since more data on the slave trade has become available to more researchers it shows that the number of slaves has increased. Not by more slaves but by the fact that the numbers are now more available to report.
Reports show that when a female is put in a slave situation she is usually abused and raped by her employer. Most of the slaves work unbearable hours and its been found that they are very undernourished.
It’s been reported that the government of India has the laws to enforce the stopping of this slave situation but don’t want to bother the rich who are the ones that are exploiting this operation.