Poem – GO BE HAPPY (By John Tustin)

Go be happy.
Smile for the camera.
Keep moving.
Sing and dance like Cab Calloway.
Hold his hand and kiss his neck.
Buy art deco furniture together.
Make sure your shoes match your outfit.
Cry with joy as he lifts your veil.
Call his name and scratch his back as the walls shake in the vibrating night.
Have babies.
Have perfect babies.
A girl and a boy.
And a cat and dog.
Buy that house that looks like in the magazines.
Take vacations to the ocean.
Go back to college and get your Master’s.
Eat his kisses like magic.
Catch his heart like a bullet between your teeth.
Live under his skin.
Burst from the kindness of his eyes.
Go be happy without me in your brand new red Mazda with cruise control
and auto locks
to keep out the ones like me.