
Poem – SEA CHANGE? (By Ray Gallucci)

SEA CHANGE? We typically live not a century here. And most of us travel less farther than near. It’s said, “Change is good,” though just few travel far, But see such variety – Fortunate are! So what of the many ...

Poem – rpm (By Abdulrahman M Abu-yaman)

rpm (rhetorical paradoxi-metaphorisis) scleras, snow white pupils, dilated. brain box, sparking incandescently. he asks the physician: 'tell me doctor, what's my malady?' stares at his sloppy zig-zag manuscript and replies 'rpm'. not comprehending, he utters, 'excuse me?', physician expatiates: 'rhetorical ...

Poem – By Simon Perchik

This shallow dish dead center though its glass is commonplace shimmering into mist --it's not the usual birth or that fragrance still moist from the womb, reaching out to be born in the open --you cool this tea the way ...

Poem – THE MULTIPLEX (By John Zedolik)

THE MULTIPLEX - By John Zedolik Walking on the left side is walking on the same street but it’s the other of the one if the right has been the only I have used in my journeys up the hill ...