Poem – Accidents Will Happen (By Gary Beck)

Accidents Will Happen   A man walks down the street ears covered with hi-tech headphones playing music from his IPOD, carefully recorded for his listening pleasure, and doesn’t hear the warning sound of a building falling on him.   A woman walks down the street eyes intent on her smartphone’s keyboard texting her friend with urgent fingers, describing her latest […]

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Poem – Quick Picks (By Gary Beck)

Quick Pics A baseball player wanting to win stands for the National Anthem hand on heart, but not really listening intent on getting a hit.   A concentration camp guard wanting obedience listens to a Beethoven sonata, swept away by its beauty, while his prisoners, live in terror.   A business man wanting greater profits listens to classic rock on […]

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Poem – Warning Signs (By Gary Beck)

  We ignore preparations that insure survival so citizens of neglect have little chance in a doomed nation, brought about by the greed of our masters concerned with their comforts, while the people struggle to pay the rent, put food on the table, insufficiently aware of the extravagance of the aristos spending millions on Picassos, while the children of poverty […]

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Poem – Hi-Tech Times (By Gary Beck)

Hi-Tech Times   In every hand an Iphone owner busy talking, texting, an innovative comfort allowing constant communication anytime, anywhere subject to interruption of cellular service, yet more and more prevalent facilitating contact, no matter what the content.   Gary Beck/Ignition Point ‘Ignition Point’ is an unpublished poetry collection that looks at some of the struggles and tensions of our […]

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Poem – Many Alarms (By Gary Beck)

The frequent disasters in our fragile land never seem to end and in changing times new horrors abound, terrorist attacks, enormous oil spills strangling the seas, endless amounts of garbage poisoning the land, abundant toxins polluting the air, warning those who listen our days may be numbered.   Author Bio: ‘Temporal Dreams’ is an unpublished poetry collection that reveals our […]

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Poem – Travelogue (By Gary Beck)

Travelogue   Voyagers no longer disembark at decayed seaports, piers rotting where sturdy ships once docked delivering the wealthy the hopeful, travel plans replaced by accommodating airlines getting us to destinations so quickly there’s no transition between coming and going, just adaptation to climate change, time change, when we conclude our journey.   This poem is part of a collection […]

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Poem – Renewal (By Gary Beck)

Renewal   Spring is a sensory eruption, delighting in its awakening those starved by winter starkness. Magnolias briefly bloom dazzling the eyes with elegant beauty, intoxicating the nose with nature’s finest scent, never duplicated in contrived laboratories. Forsythia bright cheer leader urging on iris, daffodil, hyacinth, to enthrall with the palette of seasonal colors enriching those who look.   Gary […]

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Poem – Hazardous Voyage (By Gary Beck)

  Aspirations gone, little remains. Daily routine the dwindling hope things will get better. Aging, illness, terrorism, tainting tomorrows, another vessel lost on uncharted seas.   Author Bio: ‘Temporal Dreams’ is an unpublished poetry collection that reveals our preoccupation with material things, sometimes to excess. Gary Beck has spent most of his adult life as a theater director, and as […]

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Poem – Careless Consumption (By Gary Beck)

Careless Consumption The tide slowly ebbs from Florida shores so tourists walk the beaches without getting wet, never wondering why there are no more seashells. The ocean looks the same to them, not realizing the muddy water was once clear blue, completely untainted. The fishes are departing scooped up in massive nets that do not recognize the need to feed […]

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Poem – Man’s Bounty (By Gary Beck)

  The birds and fish do not waste time discussing pollution, just go about their business, unaware of diminishing habitat, toxins in the gene pool, obey the cycle of life made infinitely more difficult with the help of man.   Author Bio: ‘Temporal Dreams’ is an unpublished poetry collection that reveals our preoccupation with material things, sometimes to excess.   […]

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