Poem – Hazardous Voyage (By Gary Beck)

  Aspirations gone, little remains. Daily routine the dwindling hope things will get better. Aging, illness, terrorism, tainting tomorrows, another vessel lost on uncharted seas.   Author Bio: ‘Temporal Dreams’ is an unpublished poetry collection that reveals our preoccupation with material things, sometimes to excess. Gary Beck has spent most of his adult life as a theater director, and as […]

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Poem – Careless Consumption (By Gary Beck)

Careless Consumption The tide slowly ebbs from Florida shores so tourists walk the beaches without getting wet, never wondering why there are no more seashells. The ocean looks the same to them, not realizing the muddy water was once clear blue, completely untainted. The fishes are departing scooped up in massive nets that do not recognize the need to feed […]

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Poem – Man’s Bounty (By Gary Beck)

  The birds and fish do not waste time discussing pollution, just go about their business, unaware of diminishing habitat, toxins in the gene pool, obey the cycle of life made infinitely more difficult with the help of man.   Author Bio: ‘Temporal Dreams’ is an unpublished poetry collection that reveals our preoccupation with material things, sometimes to excess.   […]

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Poem – Primary Care (By Gary Beck)

  Shattered ambitions litter the roadside of expectations, ignored by parents, neglected by school, yet filled with all the yearning that are youth made vulnerable, so when a kind man paid attention, told of the blessings of Allah, the kinship of true believers, it was an easy task to reveal the afterlife, the promise of fulfillment for servants of Islam […]

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Poem – Home is Where…. (By Gary Beck)

Home is Where….   Our masters no longer reside in fortified castles that dominate the lives of all who dwell nearby, nor in grandiose palaces that dazzle the eyes of servants, the envious, seeking crumbs from tables of abundance, not in great mansions that people pass with respect, curious about hidden lives sheltered by prosperity far removed from daily toil […]

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Poem – The Path of Art II (By Gary Beck)

The Path of Art II   In primitive times unknown individuals painted on cave walls not for interior decoration, but artistic expression, that would unlike today, with no gallery opening for an elite crowd, perhaps just the clan, yet if they saw the strange images might have burned, stoned, banished the strange one, rather than give a scathing review in […]

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Poem – Intrusion (By Gary Beck)

Intrusion   Forced entry into caves, mud huts, castles, log cabins, condos, has been a constant, despite best efforts of self defense, violent penetration usually resulting in looting, rape, slaughter, violation of the dwelling, yet more survive in modern times, courtesy of better law and order.   Gary Beck/Ignition Point ‘Ignition Point’ is an unpublished poetry collection that looks at […]

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Poem – Transactions (By Gary Beck)

Transactions   Tourists stream through Bryant Park intent on destinations cultural, culinary, diverse entertainment, mostly shopping, acquiring goods too costly at home, pursuit of a bargain once a typical quest of Americans abroad. Now prosperous foreigners rummage our land as we once rummaged theirs.   Gary Beck/Ignition Point ‘Ignition Point’ is an unpublished poetry collection that looks at some of […]

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