Why Did The Worlds 2nd Largest Emperor Penguin Colony Disappear?

Emperor Penguins Wiped Out - Antarctic Ice Shelf

In 2016, the world’s 2nd largest emperor penguin colony had been wiped out overnight. Thousands of emperor penguin chicks drowned after an ice shelf in Antarctica collapsed. In the years following the catastrophic collapse of the ice shelf at Halley Bay, Scientists have concluded that no breeding has been detected in the area since. On average, approximately 15,000 to 24,000 […]

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Life of Penguins

Life of Penguins

When an El Nino hits, the lives of penguins are in peril.  During the 1997 El Nino the penguin population fell by a third. During Climate Change a difference in temperature of at least one degree can be a life and death situation for penguins.  Researchers followed a group of about 15 breeding penguins from 1992 to 2010 on the […]

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