Birds Invade Home Through Chimney

“I am thinking that with the weather change they will go away,” Brown said. “I hope.”
Birds Invade Home Through Chimney:
To clean up the mess, Brown fired up her vacuum. “But when I did that, I scared them and they came flying out of the chimney so, we were just chasing birds all over the house. It was nuts. I just assumed they were trying to get away from the storm Friday night,” said Brown. But since Friday, Brown says they have come back every night.
The “Black Swift” bird can be found all over the world. During the summer months, it typically migrates to the California coast and mountains to mate.
While Brown will not be making Hollywood movie history, she has certainly made history in her neighborhood. There are six homes with chimneys on her block, but her home is the only one the birds have gone into. According to the “National Audubon Society,” there are 150,000 Black Swift birds around the world.