Opportunity’s Mission On Mars Is Complete

Opportunity's Mission On Mars Is Complete

The rover Opportunity has been roaming over the planet Mars since January 2004 and traveled over 28 miles.  It has sent back 225,000 photos of the planets surface.  The information from the rover has told us that the winter is twice as long as Earth’s winters.  Since it is longer than Earths winters the scientists didn’t expect the rover to […]

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Visitors from outer space

Visitors from outer space

The most common Visitors from outer space… COMETS!! Near misses by comets and asteroids are rare events, but in 2013, predictions were made that earthlings would experience at least three. A menacing, 1,000-foot-wide asteroid named Apophis which passed within 9 million miles of our planet—close by astronomical standards. Dubbed “the doomsday asteroid,” Apophis has an elliptical orbit around the sun […]

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What Actually Controls the Internet

What Actually Controls the Internet

You won’t believe what actually controls the Internet… The entire internet is controlled by seven actual, physical keys. Four times a year since 2010, a highly secure ritual known as a key ceremony takes place that involves 14 people, 7 keys, and the secret information about what actually controls the Internet. The people conducting the ceremony are part of an […]

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Violent movies: Do they inspire madmen?

One violent movie does not a mass killer make, said Peggy Noonan in The Wall Street Journal. But the pornographic violence that now fills popular films has “the cumulative power to desensitize and destabilize” impressionable minds. Disturbed young men like James Holmes, the accused Aurora, Colo., killer, may be unable to process the nihilistic, sadistically violent world of movies like […]

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