Climate Change – Extinction on the Rise

A report from the United Nations has stated that the ecosystem is in risk of extinction due to what the humans are doing to the planet. Climate Change is causing the earth to warm up to where the plants and animals will not be able to survive. From Africa to the rain forests of South America plant and animal life has shown to be down about 20% over the past century. With all the farming, logging, fishing, and mining rising due to the population of the earth rising to over 7 billion it has altered the natural landscapes. Global warming and climate change are altering the planet so much that a lot of species like the Bengal Tiger will become extinct soon.
In order to avoid biodiversity in the tropics by the year 2050 countries really need to step up their conservation efforts. All countries – rich or poor – need to make sure to do this in order to have food and clean water. If we don’t step up with our conservation efforts we will lose the rainforests (which clean out the carbon dioxide), the wetlands (clean drinking water), coral reefs (sustains tourism), tropical plants (provide a variety of medicines), and the fisheries of the Caribbean. If the rain forests and coral reefs disappear that could expose up to 300 million people to more flooding.
The world needs to cut down in wasteful consumption, cut back on the agricultural footprint, and try harder to crack down on illegal logging and fishing. This will help the planet in the long run. Cutting back on greenhouse gases will help reduce the effect of climate change on the earth.