
I would rather walk with God in the dark than go alone in the light

“I would rather walk with God in the dark than go alone in the light” ...

Anne Lemott Quote – God Hates All The Same People You Do

"You can safely assume that you’ve created God in your own image when it turns out that God hates all the same people you do." - Anne Lemott ...

C.S. Lewis Quote – The Presence of God

"We may ignore, but we can nowhere evade, the presence of God. The world is crowded with Him. He walks everywhere incognito. And the incognito is not always easy to penetrate. The real labour is to remember to attend. In ...

Albert Einstein Quote – Coincidence

"Coincidences are God's way of remaining anonymous." - Albert Einstein ...

Pope John Paul II Quote – Kingdom of God

"The Gospel shows us sending - his disciples to proclaim the good news of the kingdom of God (cf. Lk. 10:1). He tells them openly that some people will ignore or reject their message. But such human resistance will not ...

Jean Pierre de Caussade quote – The Deepest knowledge we can have

"The realization that God is active in all that happens at every moment is the deepest knowledge that we can have in this life. ... The path along which we go is in itself so extraordinary that there is no ...

Reinhold Niebuhr Quote – Wisdom

"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference." - Reinhold Niebuhr ...

Romans 12:4-9

"Just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all the others. We ...

Pat Schneider Quote – If I Were God

"If I were God, I would make a world just like this one, where everyone comes raw and naked and dependent into it; where everyone enters bloody between the legs or through the cut belly of a woman; where nothing ...

Pope Francis Quote – Lord of Life

"I want to invite you this year to fix your eyes on Jesus, Teacher and Lord of life."                 - Pope Francis ...