
Tom Hayden Quote – I Think It’s Helpful

"I think it’s helpful to remind white ethnics that they, too, came here in boats; that they, too, lived in slums; that they, too, had yellow fever; that they, too, were stigmatized as incorrigible; that they, too, had the highest ...

Pope John Paul II Quote – Distinguishing Mark Of The Human Person

"When millions of people are suffering from a poverty which means hunger, malnutrition, sickness, illiteracy and degrada­tion, we must not only remind ourselves that no one has a right to exploit another for his own advantage, but also and above ...

Taylor Swift Quote – People Throw Rocks At Things That Shine

"People throw rocks at things that shine." - Taylor Swift ...

When dictatorship is a fact, revolution is a duty

"When dictatorship is a fact, revolution is a duty." ...

Jonathan Swift quote – When a true genius appears

"When a true genius appears in the world, you may know him by this sign: that all the dunces are in confederacy against him." - Jonathan Swift ...

Bill Cosby Quote – The Whole Race

"If a white man falls off a chair drunk, it's just a drunk- If a Negro does, it's the whole damn Negro race." - Bill Cosby ...

George Burns Quote – Run The Country

"It's too bad the people who really know how to run the country are so busy cutting hair and driving taxis." - George Burns ...

Pope Francis Quote – Justice and Solidarity

"It is especially for you, young peo­ple, to take on the great task of building a society where there will be more justice and solidarity." - Pope Francis ...

Theodore M. Hesburgh Quote – Inequality

"The melting pot failed to function in one crucial area. Religions and nationalities, however different, generally learned to live together, even to grow together, in America. But color was something else. Reds were murdered like wild animals. Yellows were characterized ...