Weather / Climate

Vines strangle carbon storage in tropical forests

Tropical forests account for a third of the total carbon fixed by photosynthesis. Lianas' increasing abundance may be driven by changing climate, increased disturbance or by more severe seasonal drought. By reducing the ability of tropical forests to accumulate and ...
Active Volcano Discovered Under Glacier in Antarctica

Active Volcano Discovered Under Glacier in Antarctica

The Pine Island Glacier has been melting due to a volcano heat source that researchers have found underneath the glacier in Antarctica.  The volcanic activity was first noticed in 2007 and then verified in 2014.  This volcanic activity was discovered ...
Ancient Ecosystem Response To Mass Extinction

Ancient Ecosystem Response To Mass Extinction

As the planet faces the dawn of a sixth mass extinction, scientists are searching for clues about the uncertain road ahead by exploring how an ancient ecosystem collapsed and bounced back from traumatic upheavals. A new study follows the lengthy ...
melting sea ice

Melting sea ice may lead to more life in the sea

When spring arrives in the Arctic, both snow and sea ice melt, forming melt ponds on the surface of the sea ice. Every year, as global warming increases, melting sea ice leads to more and larger melt ponds. Melt ponds ...

Ice Levels In Antarctica Increasing

Cynic contentions that Antarctica is picking up ice every now and again rely on a slip of oversight, to be specific overlooking the contrast between area ice and ocean ice. In glaciology and especially regarding Antarctic ice, not everything is ...
Sea Levels Will Rise if Antarctica's Ice Continues to Melt

Sea Levels Will Rise if Antarctica’s Ice Continues to Melt

Millions of years ago Antarctica was not where it is located today.  It started off in the mid-latitudes and started moving about an inch to two inches a year to the bottom of the earth.  The continent also had palms ...
Giant boost for south polar waters

Giant boost for south polar waters

Massive icebergs more than 18km long give Giant boost for south polar waters by feeding vital nutrients into the Southern Ocean and helping to increase its carbon storage capacity. LONDON, January, 2016 – British scientists have identified the monsters that fertilize the ...
Global Warming: Arctic and Antarctica

Global Warming: Arctic and Antarctica

Melting ice in the north and south – Artic, Antarctica, North America, South America, Europe, and Asia – are expected to raise the sea levels at an extreme rate.  Scientists have been keeping track of the rise since the 1870’s ...

Weather Channel Founder Claims ‘Global warming the greatest scam in history’

The open deliberation about environmental change is done - on the grounds that it has been completely demonstrated NOT to exist, one of the world's best known environmental change doubter has asserted. John Coleman, who helped to establish the Weather ...

Renewables offer quick fix for US emissions

The US could reduce greenhouse gas emissions from electricity generation by 80% below 1990 levels within 15 years just by using renewable sources such as wind and solar energy, according to a former government research chief. The nation could do ...