
Sleeping Well Might Be the Best Revenge

Sleeping Well Might Be the Best Revenge

Getting enough sleep may help you maintain good health.  That may sound fairly simple, but most people don’t get enough sleep.  A survey of over 30.000 people in England found that the people that got the right amount of sleep were happier and healthier.  The researchers found that even though they had enough sleep they may not have had a quality sleep.  More research is needed on this subject, but they do suggest that better sleep – not just more sleep – is better for your health and well-being.

For some before going to bed they tend to stay up using their digital devices.  Which is one cause of sleepless nights due to stress of life or just being irritated at what is on the internet.

To get more or get to sleep sooner by taking sleeping pills is not recommended.  It has a tendency to make you have poor health – physically and mentally.