Friends will come and go but family remains forever

“Friends will come and go but family remains forever.”
Read more“Friends will come and go but family remains forever.”
Read more“You can learn many things from children. How much patience you have, for instance.” – Franklin P. Jones
Read more“Catholic parents must learn to form their family as a “domestic church,” a church in the home as it were, where God is honored, his law is respected, prayer is a normal event, virtue is transmitted by word and example, and everyone shares the hopes, the problems and sufferings of everyone else. All this is not to advocate a return […]
Read more“Don’t worry that children never listen to you; worry that they are always watching you.” – Robert Fulghum
Read more“I spent a week at a Buddhist monastic retreat, where I sat silently for hours at a time in an uncomfortable position trying to shatter my ego. Why bother? Two minutes with my wife and kids does the same thing.” – Brian Koffman
Read more“Children are messengers to us from a world we once deeply knew.” – Alice Miller
Read more“The family seems to have two predominant functions: to provide warmth and love in time of need and to drive each other insane.” – Donald G. Smith
Read more“To maintain a joyful family requires much from both the parents and the children. Each member of the family has to become, in a special way, the servant of the others.” ― Pope John Paul II
Read more“You don’t really understand human nature unless you know why a child on a merry-go-round will wave at his parents every time around — and why his parents will always wave back.” – William D. Tammeus
Read more“Listen earnestly to anything your children want to tell you, no matter what. If you don’t listen eagerly to the little stuff when they are little, they won’t tell you the big stuff when they are big, because to them all of it has always been big stuff.” ― Catherine M. Wallace
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