Elephant’s Best Friend

■ Dogs are supposed to be man’s best friend, but a black Labrador has become the inseparable pal of an elephant living in a Myrtle Beach, S.C., safari park. The 32-year-old pachyderm Bubbles has formed a bond with Bella, a 6-year-old dog abandoned at the preserve by a contractor hired to build a pool there. Bubbles has learned to throw a ball for her canine chum, who races to retrieve it. The two also swim together, with Bella diving from the elephant’s head. “Bella is just a happy-go-lucky dog,” said a park An inter-species friendship employee.
■ A husband and wife from Jefferson City,Tenn., have lost a combined 524 pounds in less than two years through dieting and exercise. Justin and Lauren Shelton weighed over 450 pounds and 300 pounds, respectively, at their 2008 wedding. But when Justin, 27, was hospitalized in January 2012, he was too big for treatment, prompting the couple to finally tackle their chronic overeating and sedentary lifestyle.The challenge brought the couple closer, said Lauren, 26. “It really strengthens you when you’ve got something hard ahead of you and you do it together.”