News From Above

Hundreds of Civilians Massacred In South Sudan

Bentiu, South Sudan Horrific massacre: Rebels have massacred hundreds of civilians in the South Sudanese city of Bentiu in the worst atrocity of the young country’s civil war. Bodies, including those of children and old people, were piled in heaps ...

Hunter of Loch Ness monster says “I’m not quitting”

The world's most dedicated Loch Ness monster hunter has scotched reports that has finally given up looking for the legendary Scottish beast after a quarter of a century of searching. Last week, the Times newspaper reported that Steve Feltham, who ...

Backache turn out to be knife blade

■ A Canadian man was scratching his back when he noticed a pointy protrusion. It turned out to be a 3-inch knife blade that was buried in his flesh three years earlier. Billy McNeely, 32, said he'd often complained to ...

Lead – It’s whats for dinner

Modern cooks could probably find their way around a Roman culina. The kitchens featured an oven of sorts and pots and pans made of metal. One major difference, however: Those utensils packed plenty of lead. Soft, flexible, and wonderfully ubiquitous, ...

Chinese medicine shops feel the pinch

Shops selling traditional medicines and foods in Hong Kong and Sydney say business from Chinese tourists is the poorest in years. Noah's Trading Company is usually bustling with customers during the Lunar New Year holiday, but this year the aisles ...
Health Benefits of Moderate Drinking

Health Risks of Moderate Drinking

Moderate drinking like one or two drinks a day may not be as good for you as it has been stated in previous studies.  Researchers in China and Britain have found that you might still risk the chance of a ...
The Evolution of Giant Prehistoric Penguins

The Evolution of Giant Prehistoric Penguins

Paleontologists have discovered that giant penguins that were almost 6 feet tall and weighed about 220 pounds roamed the earth over 61 million years ago.  Researchers have uncovered some penguin fossils that they believe roamed the earth at the same ...

Obesity: Why Americans keep expanding

Why are Americans so fat—and getting fatter with every passing year? said Brian Stelter in The New York Times. Seventy percent of adults in the U.S. are either overweight or obese, and so are one third of children and teens ...

South Sudanese Army Accused Of Rape

Juba, South Sudan Army rapes, murders: South Sudanese soldiers have been gang raping young girls and then burning them alive, according to a new United Nations report. The army is trying to terrify the entire civilian population into fleeing rebel-held ...
Are There Dangers in Binge-Watching

Are There Dangers in Binge-Watching

Researchers have found that binge-watching may be linked to bad sleeping habits, fatigue, and insomnia.  They discovered that when a person sits and binge-watches a show, they have a tendency to keep thinking about the show when they are trying ...