
Miracle shot worth $75k

■    Michael Drysch last week had the kind of night basketball fans can only dream of. The 50-year-old computer technician had been selected to attempt a half-court shot during the Miami Heat-Detroit Pistons game. When Drysch threw his long hook ...

Meditation delays aging

Meditation doesn’t just improve mental and physical health in the present. It also slows the aging process, and can help meditators stay mentally sharp into old age, a new study has found. Once people reach their mid- to late 20s, ...
Billy Ray Harris - Good fortune for honest panhandler

Billy Ray Harris – Good fortune for honest panhandler

A homeless panhandler, Billy Ray Harris who returned a diamond engagement ring accidentally thrown into his change cup has had his generosity repaid many times over. Sarah Darling of Kansas City, Mo., mistakenly gave her ring to Billy Ray Harris last ...

The Internet’s Dominant Languages

Of the world's billion Internet users, one in three logs on in English. That's no surprise. The technology got its start in the U.S., most Web pages are English, and more than 60 percent of the U.S., Canadian, U.K., and ...

Most of us are parking the wrong way

AAA says more than 76 percent of U.S. drivers are parking the wrong way. "U.S. drivers most frequently park their vehicle by pulling forward into a parking spot ... a riskier practice that driving experts warn leaves pedestrians more vulnerable." So ...

Earth’s bigger, older cousins

Astronomers have discovered the larg­est rocky planet yet, and its existence has profound implications for our understanding of the early universe and the potential for extraterrestrial life. Kepler-10c, which was spotted by NASA's Kepler space telescope, has a diameter of ...

For a good night’s sleep, let the dog snuggle up to you

Mayo Sleep Clinic in Arizona surveyed 150 patients about sleep habits Found those who sleep with pets 'feel more safe and secure' But 20 per cent say sleep interrupted by 'wandering or whimpering' Animal lovers have been warned for years ...

Frozen oil shows promise of shape-shifting materials

Researchers have identified a new mechanism that drives the development of form and structure, through the observation of artificial materials that shape-shift through a wide variety of forms which are as complex as those seen in nature. It’s curious to ...

Solar Farm Rejected Amid Fears It Will ‘Suck Up The Sun’s Energy’

A town council in North Carolina rejected plans to rezone land for a solar farm after residents voiced fears it would cause cancer, stop plants from growing and suck up all the energy from the sun. Two citizens reportedly made ...
Mapping the infant universe

Mapping the infant universe

Mapping the infant universe is no easy task. New data from the European Space Agency’s Planck satellite is giving astronomers their most complete look yet at the very earliest moments of the universe. Planck, which measures microwave radiation, has created ...