Active Volcano Discovered Under Glacier in Antarctica

Active Volcano Discovered Under Glacier in Antarctica

The Pine Island Glacier has been melting due to a volcano heat source that researchers have found underneath the glacier in Antarctica.  The volcanic activity was first noticed in 2007 and then verified in 2014.  This volcanic activity was discovered by some scientists at the University of Rhode Island’s Graduate School of Oceanography.  From January to March of 2014 scientists […]

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Large Antarctic Glacier Cavity Found

Antarctica Glacier Cavity - Antarctica Journal News

A large Antarctic glacier cavity two-thirds the size of Manhattan has been discovered. Scientists have discovered a huge cavity at the bottom of a disintegrating glacier in Antarctica, creating concerns that the ice sheet is melting much more rapidly than expected. The researchers found the cavity using Italian and German satellites and ice-penetrating radar from Nasa’s Operation IceBridge, which uses […]

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