Local News

When the Red Planet was partly blue

Astronomers have found the strongest evidence yet that ancient Mars had a massive ocean for millions of years— an indication that the Red Planet once had everything necessary to support life. Shortly after Mars formed 4.5 billion years ago, NASA ...

Galactic turmoil ahead

The Milky Way and its closest neighbor, the Andromeda galaxy, are on course for “ a head-on collision,” says astronomer Roeland van der Marel of the Space Telescope Science Institute. But no need for precautions because the crash won’t happen ...
Ozone Hole Shrinking Over Antarctica - Antarctica Journal News

Ozone Hole Shrinking Over Antarctica

According to NASA and NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) due to the warmer weather, the ozone hole has measured its smallest size on record over Antarctica.  This has happened three times in the last 40 years where the weather ...

Behind Your Holiday Sweet Potato Dish, Hard Work In The Fields

There's an oil painting on one wall in the cluttered room that serves as central headquarters of Burch Farms, a large vegetable grower in Faison, N.C. The painting shows an African-American couple, the woman in a long, plain dress, the ...

Cleaning Up China’s Dirty Streets

"The Chinese need to learn that public spaces aren’t garbage dumps", said Raymond Zhou. During a recent national holiday, visitors dropped a staggering 32 tons of litter in Tiananmen Square in just four days. Beijing’s army of street cleaners rushed ...
Antarctica's Subterranean Ecosystem

Antarctica’s Subterranean Ecosystem

Antarctica's Subterranean Ecosystem is quite interesting. In Antarctica researchers have found an undersea ecosystem under an iceberg that broke away from the Antarctic Peninsula.  They say that Antarctica's Subterranean Ecosystem has been hidden for over 120 thousand years.  As the ...

Researchers Flock To The Arctic

As the polar ice caps retreat due to global warming, researchers are flocking to the Arctic to catalog the region's unique biodiversity and discover any hidden secrets before they are gone. Video provided by AFP. Source:AFP / Powered by NewsLook.com ...

West Antarctic Ice Melt Affects Sea Level Rise

New research indicates that accelerating ice loss in vulnerable West Antarctic ice shelves is almost inevitable in the coming century as surrounding waters warm. This development could suggest that previous predictions of one to three feet of sea level rise ...

Pyramids Spotted In Antarctica – Real or Hoax?

After an adventurous expedition a group of explorers have reportedly discovered several strange man-made ancient pyramids in Antarctica. For those who don't already know, "when life first came onto the land, Antarctica was one of the continental landmasses to be ...

Tracing The Moon’s Origins

Some new thinking may have brought astronomers a step closer to solving the mystery of how our moon formed. Researchers have long believed that the moon was cleaved from a Mars-sized planet that collided with Earth some 4.5 billion years ...