Empire Watch

China Implements New Human Trafficking Laws

According to China's Ministry of Public Security news portal website, new laws implemented in 2015 citing criminal punishment for people buying trafficked women or children have proven effective. The new laws took effect on 10/1/15 and remains in effect today ...


Researchers using a high-tech aerial mapping technique called LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) revealed contours hidden by dense foliage.   They may have found tens of thousands of previously undetected Mayan houses, buildings, and pyramids in the dense jungle of Guatemala's ...

The truth about ‘secular’ America

American culture is sick, and secularism is the cause of our disease. That, said Steve Chapman, is the contention of religious conservatives like presidential candidate Rick Santorum, who insist that feminists, liberals, and gay marriage have undermined traditional morality, and ...

Ghana: Why are the Chinese miners here?

Ghana has sold its soul to China, said Alex Bossman Baafi. Small-scale gold-mining permits are reserved by law for native-born Ghanaians only. Yet Chinese immigrants are operating illegal gold mines all over the country, with expensive machinery and guards armed ...

Heavy drinking and binge drinking rise sharply in US counties

As rates of any drinking remained largely unchanged, binge drinking and heavy drinking have increased at the county level, influenced mainly by higher rates of drinking among women SEATTLE – Today, Americans are more likely to be heavy drinkers and ...
China Antarctica Airfield

China looking to access Antarctica with permanent airfield

The frigid continent of Antarctica could prove to be the next location to become a geopolitical battleground, as China announcedthat it is preparing to build its first permanent airfield at the South Pole. The location, about 17 miles away from ...


The city of Xi’an, China has built an air purifier that stands 330 feet tall to clean the air of its pollution.  Xi’an is home to 8.7 million people, is one of the oldest cities in China, and it has ...
China's Deadly Smoking Addiction - Antarctica Journal News

China’s Deadly Smoking Addiction

A study shows that the smoking addiction is growing in China and by the year 2050 it may be the cause of about 3 million deaths a year in China.  This growing epidemic smoking addiction is the leading cause of ...
A school bus full of South Korean children was traveling through a tunnel near Weihai, China when it caught on fire.

China’s Attitude of Hands-Off Costs Lives

“None of my business” is the motto of most Chinese and it is costing lives.  A school bus full of South Korean children was traveling through a tunnel near Weihai, China when it caught on fire.  No one stopped to ...

The peril of domestic drones

Drone warfare is now coming to your own backyard, said Glenn Greenwald. Local police have begun using unmanned Predator drones like those used in Afghanistan and Pakistan to conduct surveillance of criminal suspects right here in the U.S. This chilling ...