Empire Watch

Chinese Man Marries a Robot

Chinese Man Marries a Robot

Since a Chinese engineer has found it difficult to find love he decided to build and marry his own robot bride.  He was getting tired of getting pressured from his family and friends to get married so he decided to ...

Acknowledging Beijing’s Pollution

The smog which suffocates Beijing has gotten so bad that the Chinese media has concluded that something must be done. Poor visibility has led to canceled flights and highway closings. The level of particulates in the air topped 35 times ...

Incarceration Nation

THE UNITED STATES has the highest incarceration rate in the world. In fact, according to the most recent data, the U.S., while having only 4.5% of the world's population, holds 21 percent of the world's prisoners. The last few years ...
Antarctica Journal - Opioid Epidemic In America


There is an opioid epidemic in the US which has contributed to the deaths of Americans.  Approximately 1.5% of Americans have died from opioid overdoses which is more than the 1% of Americans who died in the Vietnam War.  In ...

Welfare – Not Just The Poor Who Benefit

In America, 7 out of 10 people are on Welfare. That’s the percentage of people who receive more in gov't benefits than they pay in taxes, according to a new Tax Foundation study. Some of these beneficiaries of Uncle Sam’s ...

Choking smog in China

Beijing The cloud of pollution over Beijing grew so dense this week that much of the city was rendered invisible. Hundreds of flights were grounded, auto traffic was stalled for scores of miles, and residents rushed to buy masks and ...
Antibiotic-resistant Bacteria

Antibiotic-resistant Bacteria

Researchers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have found that antibiotic resistance has risen to dangerous levels.  If drastic action is not taken soon it will become a bigger killer than cancer by the year 2050.  The ...

Men In Jail

Nearly Half Of Black Males, 40 Percent Of White Males Are Arrested By Age 23. A large number of American men have already been arrested by the time they're in their early 20s, according to a new report. A study, ...
Almost Half of Americans Don't Have 500 Dollars in Savings

Almost Half of Americans Don’t Have $500 in Savings

If you don’t have money in your savings to cover an emergency bill of at least $500 you are not alone.  About 46% of Americans don’t have the money to cover any emergency which is lower than it was in ...

Cleaning Up China’s Dirty Streets

"The Chinese need to learn that public spaces aren’t garbage dumps", said Raymond Zhou. During a recent national holiday, visitors dropped a staggering 32 tons of litter in Tiananmen Square in just four days. Beijing’s army of street cleaners rushed ...