Empire Watch

America is far from being the healthiest country

“Being American is bad for your health,” said Robert Samuelson. That’s the sobering conclusion of an exhaustive new report comparing our health with that of people in 16 other advanced countries. We rank at or near the bottom, from life ...

Jesse Jackson Jr – Misuse of Campaign Funds

Chicago Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. plead guilty this to spending $750,000 of campaign funds on luxury items for personal use, including furs, jewelry, and celebrity memorabilia. Jackson, 47, represented Illinois’s 2nd Congressional District for 17 years before taking a medical ...
The Navy Has a Supergun

The Navy Has a Supergun

The US Navy is developing a supergun that can destroy a target at about 100 miles away with a bullet that can go eight times the speed of sound when fired.  It would destroy with pinpoint accuracy the target that ...
U.S. debt

How U.S. debt went out of control

How did the U.S. debt get so high? The crucial turning point came back in 2001, said Lori Montgomery. At the time, Uncle Sam was actually running surpluses, and “the outlook was so rosy” that forecasters were predicting the U.S ...

Pollution arrives on winds from China

Along with goods for U.S. markets, China's booming factories are exporting pollution that fouls the air over the Western U.S., a new study has found. "We've outsourced our manufacturing and much of our pollution, but some of it is blowing ...

Unauthorized GM crops face intensified oversight

China will further step up the supervision of genetically modified food technologies to prevent commercial cultivation of unauthorized varieties, a senior rural affairs official said. The call follows several suspected cases of farmers illegally growing genetically modified crops in the ...
Air Pollution Kills Over 5 Million People Every Year

Air Pollution Kills Over 5 Million People Every Year

According to the World Health Organization (WHO) 600,000 children die from toxic air each year.  Not only are the children dying the adults are dying at a rate of 5.5 million a year due to indoor and outdoor pollutions.  Most ...

A House that’s stuck in the 1950’s

The House of Representatives doesn’t represent America as it really is today, said Timothy Egan. The Republican-controlled House governs a “fantasy nation created in talk-radio land,” where black and gay people don’t exist, women remain subservient, and all gun-safety legislation ...

China’s Human Rights Activists Under Scrutiny

Beijing Mass arrests: In one of the biggest crackdowns on civil society groups in decades, Chinese authorities have detained and questioned at least 238 lawyers and human rights activists over the past two weeks. At least 20 activists remain incarcerated, ...
Xinjiang China Torture Camps

TORTURE CAMPS in Xinjiang, China

After Chen Quanguo was appointed Communist Party secretary, he went to Tibet where he saw that they started arresting Uighurs and sending them to torture camps. The people were told that they were going to reeducation camps.  The police took ...