Poem – Destinations (By Gil Hoy)

Destinations – By Gil Hoy
A lizard crossed my path with no skin,
Just armor for protection
from car treads
and sun tan lotion to
keep the sun’s rays out.
Its tongue had just
scooped up an
unsuspecting grasshopper
who had hopped off
a blade of glistening wet grass,
not knowing what was coming—
having just kissed the wife and kids goodbye.
But armor wasn’t enough to protect our lizard,
who was flattened into the pavement
revealing the grasshopper.
Author Bio:
Gil Hoy is a Boston trial lawyer and is currently studying poetry at Boston University, through its Evergreen program, where he previously received a BA in Philosophy and Political Science. Hoy received an MA in Government from Georgetown University and a JD from the University of Virginia School of Law. He served as a Brookline, Massachusetts Selectman for four terms. Hoy started writing poetry two years ago. Since then, his work has appeared in Third Wednesday, The Write Room, The Eclectic Muse, Clark Street Review, The New Verse News, Harbinger Asylum, Soul Fountain, The Story Teller Magazine, Eye on Life Magazine, Stepping Stones Magazine, The Penmen Review, To Hold A Moment Still (Harbinger Asylum’s 2014 Holidays Anthology), The Zodiac Review, Earl of Plaid Literary Journal, The Potomac, Antarctica Journal, The Montucky Review and elsewhere.