Poem – Destinations (By Gil Hoy)

Destinations – By Gil Hoy A lizard crossed my path with no skin, Just armor for protection from car treads and sun tan lotion to keep the sun’s rays out. Its tongue had just scooped up an unsuspecting grasshopper who had hopped off a blade of glistening wet grass, not knowing what was coming— having just kissed the wife and […]

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Poem – Rethinking Things (By Gil Hoy)

Rethinking Things – By Gil Hoy   I should have married                                                                              a computer with                                                                                       high-speed internet at an early age. I wouldn’t have needed                                                                           so much school. Just search for                                                                                “Most useful info” and read on                                                                                            for four years. Grad school? Just search:                                                                                       “Most useful                                                                                       info—advanced.” It’s all there. If Bill Gates had                                                                              thought of this, he could really truly                                                                                    […]

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Poem – Rethinking Things (By Gil Hoy)

Rethinking Things – By Gil Hoy   I should have married a computer with high-speed internet at an early age. I wouldn’t have needed so much school. Just search for “Most useful info” and read on for four years. Grad school? Just search: “Most useful info—advanced.” It’s all there. If Bill Gates had thought of this, he could really truly […]

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Poem – What We Know (By Gil Hoy)

What We Know – By Gil Hoy It can truthfully be said that: regarding all the world’s matter of which we think and know, the whole lot is infinitely large and infinitely small. For a pinhead can— and does— boast a whole universe within it, and the galaxy is but a child’s spinning top. The same is true of man’s […]

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Poem – What We Notice (By Gil Hoy)

What We Notice – By Gil Hoy   I first lived like a tadpole swimming up-current in a raging river Not noticing that I’d been crowned heavyweight champion of the world, the impossible odds overcome, or the miraculous union with my waiting cell that might otherwise have been washed away and lost. The lesson is that you have already overcome […]

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Poem – Small Packages (By Gil Hoy)

Small Packages – By Gil Hoy   I’d like to drink up the Universe from a can of Diet Coke, bought from my ancestors’ most virtuous moments. With no deposit required–can’t be returned without your consent, a secret label on the side that reads: “only the purest, natural ingredients.” Has a pull tab that opens like a forever Christmas morning […]

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