Poem – Misanthrope at Sunset Manor (By Donal Mahoney)

  Even as a child Charles couldn’t forgive other children not for something they had done  but rather for who they were. They were inferior and couldn’t help it, his parents both agreed. Charles couldn’t stand any of them. This continued his entire life.   Charles almost married a woman  he had hired only to discover later  she wasn’t perfect, no better than the little people he had hired to wrap and mail thousands […]

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Poem – Clouds (By David Russell)

Clouds In chroniclers’ minds Past wars all went full circle Making great urban filth destroy itself So that the finest flowers and shrubs Could sprout at random.   And birds, in exultation Or happy in their ignorance Made rills of melody Now man had passed them by.   But now, with ice and poison For one full year enthralled, embalmed. […]

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Poem – Darker (By Mike Matter)

Darker by Mike MatterThe lights linger through the ache in my head and a smile flashes for an instant The memory of a past and future to preoccupy me mindfully paces before my the end of day and I type once more in victory and defeat while settling for a middle ground like a battlefield where the warhorse struggles in […]

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Poem – No Man’s Land (By Rony Nair)

van Diemen’s land eclipsed in artwork A solitary Joshua tree curling, fetal, looking outwards its instinct tailored, to fold itself in.   and wrap yourself around your arms even as you scream “not here”   take me somewhere else you say ribald, Nostradamus hued.   Alone. one wondered if you, who liked the drumbeats to suggest how much of music […]

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Poem – ANGEL (By Joseph Cavera)

ANGEL (By Joseph Cavera)   Run through the days Like kids on a beach All the ways, In life, is but a small breach Shines the light seeping out through that mask Which conceals a bravado façade Calling me to ask, Just why you smile…and nod At every quip I leave, When the easiest precepts Are impossible to conceive. So […]

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