Poem – Rethinking Things (By Gil Hoy)

Rethinking Things – By Gil Hoy
I should have married a computer with high-speed internet
at an early age.
I wouldn’t have needed so much school.
Just search for “Most useful info”
and read on for four years.
Grad school?
Just search: “Most useful info—advanced.”
It’s all there.
If Bill Gates had thought of this,
he could really truly have made a killing!
No need to travel either—
Just type “Top 10 world destinations” and read on.
Only interested in the US?
Search “Top 10 Destinations in America.”
On a budget: “Top ten cheap vacation spots.”
If necessary, map quest can get you where you want to go.
Big downside though: No Sex and No Kids.
Wait— for the former: “Most arousing fantasies.”
Kids? Take a look at: “What do people do without kids?”
If George Washington had followed this advice,
he would have lived a lot longer,
probably no wooden teeth either.
But this all sounds a bit hairy for the novice,
it’s kinda scary,
maybe I should just—take it slow.
I’ll date my computer for a while
and see how things go.