Poem – THE LINT LIMERICK (By Joseph Cavera)

THE LINT LIMERICK (By Joseph Cavera)
There once was a swordsman named Link
Who wore everything from light blue to pink
He unsheathed his sword
As he confronted a demon horde
Who beat him with clubs in a wink
Ganondorf was a man of Hyrule,
Who one day, challenged link to a duel
To the warriors surprise
He couldn’t believe his eyes
As he watched a pink Link ride in, on a mule
As the two were about to face off
One of them began to scoff,
“you look like a girl,
The pixies will surely hurl,
So go home, and for the love of God, take it off”
As Link rode home on his was way
Something began to lead him astray
He could believe neither eye
When he saw an elf lie
On the ground, in the middle of the day
First he saw one, then two, then four
Then he began seeing more and more
As he said, “hey bub”
They each pulled out a club
And beat him until their arms grew sore
While Ganondorf waited for Link,
He soon began to think,
“Where is that fool?
…probably washing his mule.”
And decided to pull out a drink
While although Link grew weak
And things began to look bleak
An ocarina he pulled
And a short tune he dulled
Which sent Link flying into next week