Soul Fountain

Poem – Want Ads (By Gary Beck)

Want Ads The most dangerous action of irresponsible scientists is sending unmanned vehicles on long voyages announcing to the universe where we are. Please come visit. It’s intelligent to look and listen to who’s out there, somewhere, so we might ...

Poem – Full Moo (By Joshua Medsker)

Full Moo It sure is a full moo tonight winked the farmer to the cow, squeezing each teat gently firmly, into the pail ...

Poem – Siblings (By Allison Grayhurst)

Siblings   Her laughter breaks your fold, wedding you to your primal joy. Your extremes keep tune with her emotions, setting them close to yours and your canvas of sharp colours. She has no veil. You have no hidden chamber, ...

Poem – Crimean Punishment (By Ray Gallucci)

CRIMEAN PUNISHMENT Apparently,once the gods had fumed Atgrowing decadence, they were doomed. Nolonger culture pre-eminent, Atlantisunder the sea was sent. Competingtheories have been put forth Ofancient civilization north Ofwhere the Black Sea has always lain Ononce quite fertile Crimean plain ...

Poem – Finding a Traveling Partner (By David Hernandez)

Finding a Traveling Partner Two suitcases with wheels, packed with clothes needed for a week, rolled through the driveway, enter my RV class B. Before the key starts the ignition, I make sure to not forget my travelling accessories. In ...

Poem – The Closing Stage (By Adebesin Ibraheem)

The Closing Stage I’m afraid the end-time is near See the maddening impunity of depraved heads The mediocre misfit manning our stolen mandate – The perfidious president, the gluttonous governors, The crooked councillors, the law-breaker law-makers: All self-seeking merchants of ...

Poem – Melody (By Fabrice B. Poussin)

Melody With delicate touch through the air, she penetrates in words the hearts of all; perfume and incense that hypnotizes, her being travels in time and space. With lines of enthralling pictures, flowers raise above the cotton rag, clouds float ...

Poem – THE ESTHETICS OF SELF (By Peter Taylor)

THE ESTHETICS OF SELF Against the horizon, you must always consider three skies: the one you see, the one you think about, and the one that's really there. Our illusions falter on an edge we prefer to imagine, a definition ...

Poem – Dark Secrets (By Angelica Fuse)

■ Dark Secrets   from collar to corner, from newspaper print to blink screen, the bad news spreads faster than the pleasant stores of rescue, wrongs search for wrongdoer, like flashlights in the dark. Author Bio: Angelica Fuse is an ...

Poem – Flying A Sign (By Chrystal Berche)

Flying a Sign - By Chrystal Berche Wild eyed woman, her hair a mess Shakes as she goes person to person begging for cigarettes A foot away an old man sleeps, his head pillowed on a graying jacket ‘Will work ...