Poem – The Fern (By DS Maolalai)

The Fern   these are days; people with nothing to do doing nothing. people with things to do doing those things. the sun out, loud and shining, like a child screaming at a dropped ice-cream, but weak enough to freeze you in a shadow. people sometimes in houses touching their hands against the clock. staring at computers. or older, looking […]

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Poem – Adultery (By DS Maolalai)

Adultery   I’d bang them out, wine-drunk and excited, and send them off to magazines. I had two lists; ones which liked me and ones I liked, and I’d fire them unedited like a shotgun scaring birds. each one 5 times to 5 different places. then I’d wait for any to come back.   in general it started with rejections; […]

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Poem – The Fuse (By DS Maolalai)

The Fuse   I was hungover, boiling water. the coffee smelled intense as trees falling when I burst the foil, and specked my daylight and made me wrinkle my nose like a rabbit unburrowed in the sand.   it was good. I was feeling the cold on my feet, bare and enjoying it.   and outside the day was heading […]

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