Poem – CERTIFIED (By John Stanizzi)

CERTIFIED             WorldNetDailyExclusive — http://www.wnd.com/2011/04/292717/                     “A Tale of Two Birth Certificates”   That Obama’s birth certificate lists a registrar that appears remarkably like a forger’s signature joke on the word “ukulele” is not the only peculiarity observed in comparing the president’s record with other long-form Hawaiian birth certificates that have been fully authenticated.   Toto, I’ve a feeling […]

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Poem – DOG (By John Stanizzi)

DOG             Manchester, Connecticut             1985   Long after the time had come for her to stop driving she was driving her daughter to the store in her brown car that had no power steering or power brakes, and at 85 pounds of skin and a little contraption of bones you’d think she’d be a push-over but nothing could be […]

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Poem – KING (By John Stanizzi)

KING             B.B. King, Bushnell Auditorium, Hartford, CT     B.B. King wasn’t through one song when I became possessed and was torn from my seat, Ernie imploring me, No!  No!  John!  John! But he was too late.  I was on the stage, the first one up and followed by a crowd, all pumped up because we were breaking rules. […]

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Poem – AWAKENED (By John Stanizzi)

AWAKENED             November 22, 1963             East Hartford High School             2.02 p.m.     Ninth grade English, and just out of Catholic, school, I was not yet adjusted to the outrageous idea of a public school – no uniforms, and teachers who were men, men in street clothes, not dressed in black with stiff white collars and faces of […]

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Poem – NG (By John Stanizzi)

NG NG21028982 – My National Guard Service Number 1967     I remember from an early age that when she wasn’t cursing, my mother chose NG – the car was NG, NG the refrigerator, my father, and me. And so in ’67, when fear and guilt masqueraded as angry conscience, and I managed to finagle my way out of the […]

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