Planes disappear in Germany

Bratislava, Slovakia At least a dozen planes briefly disappeared from Central European radar screens on two occasions last week, and nobody knows why. Air traffic controllers in Slovakia, Germany, Austria, and the Czech Republic reported that radar information on positions of civilian passenger planes flickered in and out for nearly half an hour, and only voice contact with the pilots […]

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Canadian porn actor suspected of murder

Porn star murder suspect nabbed: The Canadian porn actor suspected of murdering his boyfriend in Montreal, then mailing his severed body parts to Canada’s political parties, was arrested in Germany this week. Luka Magnotta, 29, a gay prostitute, was Googling articles about himself in a Berlin cybercafe when the owner recognized him and called police. Authorities allege that Magnotta filmed […]

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Where Jews still aren’t welcome


Anti-Semitism is sweeping Hungary, said Colin Freeman. It’s so bad that the World Jewish Congress held its annual conference in Budapest to express solidarity with beleaguered Hungarian Jews. The Jobbik party, which is openly anti-Roma and anti-Semitic, is now the third-largest party in parliament, and its rise has coincided with a sharp uptick in anti-Semitic attacks and incidents. Jewish leaders […]

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