Poem – AFTER THE FACT (By Ray Gallucci)

The mystery of history
Reduces all to sophistry
If fecklessly, not skeptically,
Accept we its validity.
Did Kennedy form strategy
Preventing Cuban tragedy
When quarantined Fidel at sea?
Or was it serendipity?
Did atom bomb need dropping on
To-be-defeated-soon Nippon,
Because Japan, to its last man,
Would fight invasion hand-to-hand?
Was Civil War a struggle for
The cleansing of the rotten core
That nation bore for years four-score?
Or just excuse to pillage more?
Was Reign of Terror just an error?
Did France ever really care for
Freedom’s air in country where
Napoleon seized Louie’s chair?
Crusaders called because appalled
Were Christians at Islamic gall?
Or just a foil to gather spoils
Enriching European halls?
Were Ages Dark so bleak and stark,
Where only Norsemen would embark?
No people smart, no works of art,
Just peasants working ox and cart?
Did Arthur rule, or are we fools
Believing legends only fueled
By Medieval authors who
Concocted tales to read in school?
Were Romans saved when Leo Great
“Convinced” Attila to abate?
Or just the latest twist of fate
He drowned in blood while bedding mate?
Did Alexander once philander,
Not with goose, but with a gander?
Or just slander meant to pander
To the Hollywooden banter?
Was horse that breached the Trojan keep
Because of clever Greek deceit?
Or tremors deep in earth beneath
That crumbled all into a heap?
When re-examine feast or famine
Vested with historic sanction,
May determine hidden vermin
Lie behind supposed-closed curtain.