Environmental Campaign Urges People To Be Thankful For Pollinators This Thanksgiving

Imagine what your Thanksgiving table would look like without any food that is pollinated by bees. It’s a challenge issued by the group Environment Washington, which is highlighting the issue with a campaign called “No Bees, No Food.” Canvassers for the group say if bees die off, then turkey, rolls and potatoes are all  that would be left on the […]

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Will Ghana’s Local Crops Die Out?

Ghana is being pressured to sell out it’s global agribusiness. The U.S. and the global seed industry are trying to strong-arm Ghana into adopting the International Convention for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants, known as UPOV.   The treaty confers intellectual property rights on huge seed companies such as Monsanto and locks farmers into a limited selection of […]

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VR Headsets For Chickens

■ An Iowa State University professor has developed a virtual reality headset for chickens that will fool factory-farmed hens into thinking they’re free-range. The gadget uses a special headset that lets caged chickens pad around a virtual farmyard, pecking at virtual bugs. “I did a lot of work to get the technology right,” said inventor Austin Stewart. He admits that […]

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Tomatoes with genetic mutation have no taste

Pile of tomatoes

Tomato lovers have long known that the red fruit sold by supermarkets tastes like cardboard. A new study has found why: A genetic mutation that gives commercially produced tomatoes their uniform color also prevents the production of sugars and carotenoids that give a proper tomato its taste and health benefits. The mutation “is in literally 100 percent of modern breeds […]

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